Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
Hi guys! It’s Christine with this week’s edition of Sweet-Tooth Friday, Oatmeal Raisin Cookies! I have been craving this cookie all week, especially after my 30-Day Challenge workouts. In the comments I noticed that a lot of you guys are taking a break from sugar and flour for your challenges, so I decided to work on a recipe that we all can enjoy.
My 30-Day Challenge Update
A quick update on my 30-Day Challenge: The week has started off on a great foot! I have been hitting the gym each day and going through my cardio and stretch routines. I feel really great and energized. This week coincided with the day I quit smoking last year and it was pretty awesome to see how far I’ve come. I’ve never belonged to a gym before and I made a couple of bonehead “newbie” mistakes:
a) They change the direction of the track each day, which took only a couple dozen glares and giggles for me to realize I was circling in the wrong direction.
b) I thought all the machines were broken and went from station to station trying to find one that would turn on. Eventually I figured out you just have to start pedaling first to get them to turn on!
c) If you’ve never done a lot of spinning or cycling, a good idea is NOT to go see the new Harry Potter movie the same day as that workout. My butt was so sore I was fidgeting the entire time!
On the food side of my challenge, drinking the 64 oz of water has been a snap. I got a 4 cup water bottle that I take everywhere I go. It’s easy to fill it up twice during the day, especially without being distracted by coffee in the morning. Speaking of coffee, I have had a wicked headache for the past 3 days. I’m assuming that’s caffeine withdrawal. (Is peanut butter withdrawal a thing?) Oh yeah, I didn’t realize it, but by eliminating peanut butter and dairy from my diet I lost two of my go-to quickie meals: the pbj and the grilled cheese. To compensate, I made a BIG salad in the beginning of the week and it has been super convenient to just grab a bowl and snack away. The dairy has been easy to steer clear of since I don’t buy much prepared food but I was surprised to see they snuck some into my taco seasoning! No matter though, I found the rest of the spices listed in my cabinet and my red bean tacos turned out better than ever!
The Perfect Oatmeal Cookie
The cookie I’ve been craving is chewy and a little bit crisp, salty and sweet, and full of yummy nut and raisin chunks. All that criteria and also something without animal products, flour, AND sugar? It seemed impossible, and a couple of internet searches for vegan oatmeal cookies were frustrating (almost all called for a boatload of soy margarine and brown sugar.) Finally I stumbled upon two promising recipes, one for raw oatmeal cookies and one from VegWeb for banana based “best oat cookies that ever existed.” I combined several elements from these recipes, like using dates as a binder as well as the banana.
For the flour in this recipe, I decided to make my own! You don’t have to be a slave to wheat; you just need a coffee grinder or good processor. I chose to grind down whole grain steel cut oats and dry chickpeas. You can buy these flours at natural stores, but it’s a lot cheaper to just grind yourself. Chickpeas may seem weird as a flour, but just check out the back of your Barilla Plus pasta box! Also it is common in other parts of the world, like India’s Besan Ladoo cookies. Because the chickpeas are raw, the cookie dough does not taste yummy until after it’s baked- don’t freak out, that taste will go away!
Here’s what I came up with.
Vegan Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Recipe
Wet Ingredients:
2 tbs ground flax seed mixed with 1/4 cup warm water
1 banana
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup packed (8 oz) chopped dates
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
Dry Ingredients:
1 cup whole grain oats, ground
1 cup dry chickpeas, ground
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tbs cinnamon (2 sticks ground)
1/2 tsp freshly ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp cardamom
1 cup old fashioned oats
1 cup raisins
1 cup chopped walnuts
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Mix the flaxseed and water together and set aside to thicken.
Combine the dry ingredients, set aside. (For the flours, make sure to pass through sieve to remove any unground bits.)
Combine the wet ingredients including the flax paste and mix until the banana is mashed and uniform.
Stir in the dry ingredients. Stir in add-ins to your taste (I used all three).
Line cookie sheet with parchment, spray lightly with pam. (Mine burnt on the bottom without the parchment.)
Use a quarter cup ice cream scoop to put dough onto the cookie sheet. These cookies don’t spread in the oven, so flatten to about 3 inches across or desired size. Bake for about 10 minutes for flat cookies, 12 minutes for thicker ones. Makes about 15 cookies.
These were delicious! You may notice that the ingredients overlap a lot with the energy bars, but these definitely have more of a cookie flair! And they are also the perfect after workout snack that I had been craving. No one will believe that they have no wheat flour, sugar, or added fat! Plus using alternative flours adds almost 3.5 grams of protein to each serving: that’s unheard of for a cookie!
Enjoy these yummy and healthy oatmeal cookies! And keep it up with those 30-Day challenges!
See you next Sweet-Tooth Friday!
xoxo Christine
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Oatmeal Raisin cookies are by far my most favorite cookie ever, so naturally I was drooling over this recipe. 😉
They look delicious, and I love the interesting ingredients you added in. NEVER would have thought to add dry chickpeas, but I’m excited to try it out. 😀
Thanks for the recipe!! 🙂
.-= Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down)´s last blog ..Blueberry Belly =-.
Oatmeal raisin cookies are my favorite too. I love that the only sugar in this recipe is in fruit form, and that the fat is from nuts and flaxseed.
Oh yeah I guess it may be confusing to say “no added sugar and fat,” I mean no added sugar in the standard form of processed sweeteners, and no added fat in the standard forms like straight up oil or butter. 🙂
these sound amazing!! going on the to-try list for sure 🙂
I have a huge sweet tooth. These cookies sound perfect!
Ya, strange they switch the direction everyday. I would be the one walking in the wrong direction too.
WOW- these sound fantastic. They look thick and delicious and I love some of the unique ingredients like the dates! Fabulous. Your headband is so cute, great pic of you 🙂
.-= Erica´s last blog ..Pro Bar Review, Almond Butter, Salad and Sleep Deprivation =-.
What an incredible recipe!!! Cookies with no white sugar or butter/oil… unbelievable! Congratulations that you have not smoked in over a year- that is an awesome accomplishment, Christine. Good for you!
I would love to try these! the chickpeas and whole grain oats, did you grind those in the food processor? I one attempt on the chickpeas didn’t work in the food processor…….is there a method to it?
My food processor is a cheap $10 one and couldn’t handle the chickeas so I used my coffee grinder. You can also purchase chickpea flour. Or maybe give grinding lentils a try?
All these ingredients are perfect for a healthy yet flavorful vegan sweet treat. Check out my version http://www.phamfatale.com/id_167/title_Gluten-Free-Chocolate-Cupcakes-with-Cherry-Cream-Cheese-Frosting/
Dear friend,
At the moment we’re try to get the government in Taiwan to organise an official meat free Monday nationwide.
It’s for this reason that we’ve set up a petition, we need as many people to sign it as possible.
Could you please sign and spread this petition to as many people as possible. Here’s the link
Any help would be great.
Yours sincerely
This is a wonderful-looking recipe. Just one question on the flours though. Do you measure the oats and chickpeas *before* grinding, or do you measure 1 c of already ground chickpeas and oats? Thanks, can’t wait to to try it 🙂
Hey Marissa,
You want a cup of the final product, the ground flour. Sorry, I should have specified that. However, I found that the oats were the same measurement before and after ground- I was really surprised. Thanks for checking this out, enjoy!
I cannot wait to make these this week!
One quick question:
I am giving a speech on not letting desserts be the enemy in class and I was wondering if you had the nutritional information for me to use to compare to regular oatmeal cookies?
Just made these today, one of the best vegan cookies I have ever made. Not too sweet at all like other recipes I have tried.
Hello! So I was going to try and make these today, and I was wondering what would happen if I omit the dates and only use oat flour?
Hey DV,
Using all oat flour should be fine. (Sometimes substituting oat flour for regular flour can mess up consistency because oat flour doesn’t have the gluten that wheat does, but in this case it’s fine since chickpea flour doesn’t either.)
Do you want to remove the dates because you don’t have them, or because it’s too much sugar?
If you just don’t have them on hand, use a cup of raisins in their place, but be sure to chop them fine.
If you don’t use any dates or replacement, it will be more like a biscuit than a cookie since the dates are the main source of sweetness here. You still would need a filler, perhaps another cup of chopped nuts.-
I just don’t have any dates, so I would put in one cup of raisins on top of the raisins that will be used as add-ins?
Hi! Just saw this recipe on pinterest and give it a shot. Just wondering, the steel cut oats are cooked/Prepared first I assume? In place of the ground oats?
I love all of these healthy snack posts. It would also be really helpful if the nutritional info could be gathered/posted with the recipes… 😉
Hi Christine
I’m busy baking these. So far smelling lovely…just wondering how ‘crisp’ they are meant to be? I left them in for 12 minutes but they still felt a bit raw to touch afterwards, so I’ve put them in for a bit longer.
Keep it up with the smoking, way to go!!! I loved your mishaps in the gym. Keep up with that too, and you will soon be a pro.