The Plant-Based Diet for Athletes: A Typical Day
What do you eat in a typical day?
Even as the plant-based diet becomes more commonplace, people still ask me this question all the time.
And I like that — it’s an opportunity to explain that you can eat 100% plant-based and do it really, really healthily … without spending your life in the kitchen or subsisting on trail mix and sprouts (while living in a treehouse, I think).
I’m busy like anyone else. I have two kids and work hard, and as a result, I’ve streamlined my diet so that it’s affordable and doesn’t take a lot of time.
But I do make food a priority, like it should be. I’m very happy with my version of a healthy, plant-based diet, and I’m happy to share it with you in this post.
I eat according to a few simple guidelines (e.g., until I feel mostly full). My focus is on simplicity and health, and one of the amazing things I’ve found is that over time my palate has adjusted so that simple, healthy food is the food that tastes good.
But there’s another important point here. I’ve set up my diet so that I eat the same types of meals most days until dinnertime, adding variety only within a certain category of foods (like mixing up the fruits or nuts in the smoothie, or choosing different veggies or dressing for the salad).
And what that means is that each day, there are relatively few decisions I have to make around food.
This is important because:
- The fewer food decisions you have to make early in the day, the better the choices you’ll make later (see: decision fatigue), and
- When you know ahead of time the types of meals you’ll eat, you can “engineer” your diet to include exactly what you want and none of what you don’t.
But I should add that what follows is only a “typical” day — this is the stuff I’ve consciously decided to eat on a daily basis. But because I’m a human, I like eating a muffin when my wife bakes them for the kids’ school, or the times when I have leftover (delicious) pasta for lunch instead of my usual salad. I don’t stress a bit about these little indulgences, because know that what I do most of the time is what matters.
With that, here’s what a typical day looks like for me.
6am-9am — Water and coffee.
Except when I’m actively trying to gain weight or build muscle, I don’t eat anything for the first few hours of the day. Just water and cup of tea or coffee.
I can’t quite call myself an intermittent faster, but I do believe that one of the reasons people are overweight is that they don’t give their bodies enough time between meals. So I try to extend the overnight fast as long as I can, by making sure I don’t eat until I’m really hungry each morning. Most of the time, that’s not until 9am or 10am.
This isn’t easy for everyone, but I’d suggest just paying very close attention to your body in the morning — are you actually hungry, or just eating because that’s “what you do” when you wake up?
9am — Smoothie.
My first meal of almost every day is a smoothie. The Perfect Smoothie Formula is the template I use, but not strictly. Over time, and especially since having kids, I’ve learned to appreciate simplicity in the kitchen, and this extends to the daily smoothie. Most days, my smoothie recipe looks like this:
- 2 handfuls of mixed frozen berries — raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, or strawberries (usually I choose two)
- 2-3 very ripe bananas
- 2 handfuls of frozen spinach leaves (or whatever greens we ate for salads last week that I moved to the freezer after they peaked)
- 1/3 cup raw walnuts
- 2 tablespoons flax seeds
- 2-3 cups of water
(I use walnuts and flaxseeds specifically because they’re great sources of ALA, an Omega-3 fatty acid that’s not always so easy to come by in plant foods)
This makes enough for two giant smoothies, and I can usually count on my wife and kids to drink the one that I don’t. There’s no measuring; I just eyeball the amounts and adjust if something tastes off.
I make the smoothie in my Blendtec, which does a good job of grinding the nuts and seeds at once with everything else. But if you don’t have a Vitamix or Blendtec, you can grind the nuts and seeds into a powder in a coffee grinder, then add that powder to your smoothie.
As for protein powder? Sometimes I use it, sometimes I don’t. If I’m trying to build muscle, or making a smoothie for my athlete kids, then I’ll add some Complement Protein, a
(I also take Complement Plus, a minimalist vegan multivitamin I created. More on supplements here.)
11am — (Sometimes) Whole wheat bagel with hummus or nut butter.
If I’m hungry before lunchtime (and I’m not usually), I eat a whole-wheat bagel or English muffin spread with hummus or nut butter, or perhaps throw a small frozen pancake in the toaster (always this recipe, which we make in huge batches and freeze for the kids’ daily breakfast). I don’t usually put anything on the pancake, and think of it almost like bread, but every now and then I drizzle some maple syrup on it. Because, again, that thing about being a human.
12pm — Giant salad with beans and nut-based dressing.
I used to eat dinner leftovers for lunch each day, but as dinnertime has gotten busier with kid activities, I found that too often I was skipping the big salad I used to eat before dinner.
So now I eat it for lunch.
A typical salad for me looks like:
- Half a plate full of romaine or green leaf lettuce (pro tip: skip the clamshell packs and just chop it yourself; it lasts much longer and is cheaper)
- Half a plate full of something more bitter, like dandelion greens, radicchio, or kale (usually, bitter = more nutrients)
- Some cruciferous veggies like red cabbage, radishes, or broccoli
- Whatever else I have around: carrots, celery, tomato, scallions, avocado etc.
- 1 cup of chickpeas (I use different beans sometimes, but I like the texture and nutrition of chickpeas the best. Whichever beans I use, if they’re not made from scratch, I buy low- or no-sodium cans)
- Nut-based dressing (see below)
I don’t believe you need to eat 100% oil-free, all the time, but for meals built habitually into my day, it makes sense to make them as healthy as possible. Which means that typically I like to use an oil-free dressing.
Keep in mind that the point isn’t to remove fat, since it’s important for absorbing all the micronutrients in the salad and helps keep calories up if you’re an athlete and you need them. Instead, it’s to get the fat in whole-food form, which means nuts or avocado.
Most often I use this raw, cashew-based ranch dressing recipe I got from my friend Sid Garza-Hillman:
- 2 1/2 cups cashews (you can soak them for a creamier dressing)
- 2 cups filtered water for blending
- 3 tablespoons lemon juice
- 2 tablespoons cider vinegar
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 3 teaspoons onion powder
- 2 teaspoons dried dill
- 2 teaspoons sea salt or to taste
- 1 teaspoon basil
- 1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper or to taste
Blend all ingredients (ideally in a high-speed blender) until creamy and smooth. Make sure not to blend so long that the dressing gets hot. If it’s too thick add more water. It’ll thicken in the fridge; just add more water to make it pourable again.
It’s delicious, even for non-vegans. The kids love it too.
Important: This salad isn’t a small meal. It takes a long time to eat, and I’m almost completely full when I’m finished. When salad is your meal, it shouldn’t leave you hungry.
3pm — A piece of fruit, or hummus & veggies.
Not much to say about this one. The salad digests quickly and I usually need a snack in the afternoon. Late afternoon is also when I usually workout, so when that’s the case, I’ll choose the fruit or Plant-Bites so that I get some sugar in me to help with the workout (and usually have a piece afterward, too). The hummus I use is either Roots Oil-Free or a homemade version.
Post-workout, I’ll usually opt for 8 or 12 ounces of tart cherry juice, and maybe a handful of nuts or a LARABAR if I’m feeling hungry. Dinner isn’t far off, so that’s my true post-workout meal, but a little high-carb snack helps to get the recovery process started.
For more on plant-based workout nutrition, see Workout Nutrition 101.
6pm — Dinnertime: A Grain, a Green, and a Bean
It’s worth pausing here to note that up until now, there haven’t been many decisions to make, like I mentioned in the introduction. So no stress, no decision fatigue. It’s the same basic vegan meal plan, every day. So that on my “best” days, before dinnertime my diet has been entirely composed of:
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Beans
- Nuts & Seeds
- Water and coffee
To me, these are the healthiest foods I can eat. I’ve got nothing against whole-wheat flour or other grains; I just don’t think they contribute as much in the way of micronutrients as the foods above. But when I’ve eaten this way all day, I feel totally okay about eating a big old vegan pasta dish, a whole-food vegan pizza (we use a sprinkled cheese made from cashews and nutritional yeast instead of the processed vegan cheeses), or stir-fry with brown rice for dinner.
Those are pretty typical choices for me. Other favorites around my house are lentil-and-rice dishes; rice and beans, curries and stews, and of course, tacos and burritos.
So pretty much anything that’s Italian, Asian, Indian, or Mexican, as long as it’s vegan and mostly whole-food. 🙂
These all fit the loose framework of a grain, a green, and a bean that helps to create endless combinations of healthy plant-based meals.
We choose meals that are fairly quick, based on whole foods, and kid-friendly. (You can find recipes like these and many more on my recipes page — some are from the early days so they don’t necessarily represent how I eat now.)
Dinner is the one time the whole family eats together, and without TV. It’s not always blissful — sometimes the kids refuse to eat or keep wandering away from the table or take freaking forever to finish, and sometimes my wife or I am stressed from a hard day. But I do think it’s really important to have this uninterrupted time together, so we make a habit of eating together every day.
7:30pm — A glass of red wine or beer.
Almost always just one glass, and when it’s beer, I try to keep it low ABV.
Yep, this is my indulgence. Although we as a culture are fond of sharing articles that say alcohol is good for us, I don’t believe it. I think alcohol is the most unhealthy part of my diet, but it’s a small indulgence. Most days I choose red wine because I think it’s the healthiest option.
I don’t usually eat any dessert, but if for some reason I’m craving something sweet at the end of the night, I’ll have a bowl of cereal with almond milk or some fruit.
The Key to Lasting Change
So there you have it! If you’re new to a plant-based diet, or just trying to make yours even healthier, then I hope this is helpful. Ten years after first going vegan, my diet is still evolving, and trust me, it looks drastically different from how it did when I started.
You might also enjoy a post I wrote called 7 Foods Worth Eating Every Single Day, which I wrote about a few other small, specific things that I try to include each day within these meals. As I’ve learned more about nutrition, my thoughts about which foods are the most important have changed somewhat, but that post still provides a good place to start.
The key for me has been extremely slow, gradual change. Rather than trying to suddenly cut out a bunch of bad foods and add a bunch of healthy ones all at once — which so often results in failure — make just one tiny change at a time (assuming your health situation isn’t dire, of course), and you’ll be surprised at how quickly these tiny changes stack on top of each other to move you toward whatever “perfect” is for you.
Want to See a Lot More Plant-Based Athletes’ Typical Days?
Without a doubt, one of the best parts of my book, The Plant-Based Athlete (a New York Times bestseller!) is the “Day in the Life” section towards the end.
The section is composed of quick, lighting-round versions of how 25 vegan athletes — pros, Olympians, and elites from all different sports, plus a few regular people like me — spend their day when it comes to nutrition and training.
The athletes share exactly what they eat, how they work out, and what they do to recover, so that you can see the common themes and experiment with lots of food and fitness routines to find the one that works best for you, your lifestyle, and your goals. (Plus, the 60 recipes in the book come directly from the athletes themselves, so you can eat exactly what they eat!)
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I also started changing my diet at about the same time that I adopted a much more active lifestyle. And I never noticed any increase in meal/snack frequency until the last few weeks when my training for my first marathon ramped up into the 40+ miles/week range. Before that, even as I eliminated meat and dairy, I basically still ate three meals a day with very small snack between them. Since going more plant based, I’ve experienced an overall increase in energy level and duration. I suspect that it’s the active lifestyles driving these eating habits more than the diet makeup itself.
Thanks Matt. I understand getting that question often (vegan for 20yrs). While I don’t necessary need to know, my husband (who has been a vegetarian for a year now) will I think benefit from seeing what a father of two who is athletic eats throughout the day. It is a close comparison for him although he works in a more corporate environment.
If you have a moment, I am trying to help get my blog post some attention. It seems my 5 year old daughter’s PTA is set in their ways to keep a game at our annual fundraiser that awards kids a 2 liter bottle of soda as their prize! I sent a nice letter requesting a chance and got a very stern response back saying that game brought in a lot of money therefore will not be removed. If you have the time (which I know you rarely do these days) the post is here: http://trailmomma.com/2013/10/dear-pta-president/ Thanks!
Ugh Please excuse the typos – posting from a phone. Corrections: *get some attention & *requesting a change
Well, since the goal is fund raising, perhaps you could offer to donate another “prize.”. Something that the kids would like and would be just as enthusiastic about. If they still insist on the soda, at least the kids could choose. Several years ago, I was very surprised at a similar event, when children were given a few options, several chose a bottle of water! You never know what kids will go for! I just returned from Holland where some elementary schools are pushing a healthier lifestyle…also for events where parents donate the treats. Hope this helps.
Check out the plethora of vegan restaurants when you come to Denver. My favorite is City O City.
Your words on slow, gradual change are so true. If I’d set out to drop everything and go vegan right away when I first started adjusting my eating habits three-ish years ago, the ice cream-loving side of me would have probably given up. Instead, I just aimed generally for more fruits/veggies and less processed stuff, and began to realize bit by bit that I liked this way of eating/living a whole lot more! Cheers to plant-based life 🙂
I love this post. It is very helpful to see what a plant based individual eats in a day. Our day is very similar to yours. Some of my favorite cook books are The Vegan Table by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau and Vegan Cooking for Carnivores byRoberto Martin ( he is Ellen DeGeneres chef).
Matt I also make my own veg burgers and have them quick to grab out of the fridge. I try to keep some already cooked grains Quinoa,black rice etc. so we can add them to salads or burritos. Joe loves to have cold baked potatoes and dip them in hummus.
Matt, having been a regular reader since 2009 I feel that this is one of your most informative posts. As someone who juices a lot I feel it is really important to show people what we eat/drink on a daily basis. To show folks how its done is so important.
It was your blog back in 2009 that showed me that nutrition was just as important, if not more so than just exercising (helped me to lose 80 pounds and run 4 half marathons.) Here you give people a step by step blueprint on how to live on a vegan diet. Since hearing you speak at NYC I have decided to go vegan for 30 days and see how I feel.
I also love the fact you are honest about having a beer. That is why your blog is inspirational and informative, you could have left that bit out but you decided to be totally honest with your readers. Like you I enjoy a beer but I know it is not doing me any good but I do not want to live the rest of my life in ‘monk mode.’
Great post!
This was a great post, thank you for taking the time to spell out what you eat daily. I’ve struggled with snacks and breakfasts and I’m really tired of oatmeal!
Thanks again, so glad I found your blog
Hey Matt!
It’s great to see that you eat as many times/as frequently per day as I do! People are always surprised at how often I eat during the day. Eeriely our diets are very similar. I eat pretty much the exact same foods at the exact same time, minus the alcohol. I stopped even that indulgence about 6 months ago.
I won a copy of your book on Nicole’s website (Life Less Bullshit) and can’t wait for it to arrive!!
Seeing your typical daily diet is so interesting, thanks for sharing. I’m considering more frequent smaller meals because breakfast smoothies aren’t holding me to lunch more often lately even with protein powder.
Check my blog ⬆️ for my expirience as a vegan , long distance runner, on the road as a professional musician . Similar to what you’re going through on a book tour.
You lost me at “food at 3” and “running at 4″… I am doomed unless I’ve had all night to digest 🙂 Seriously though, thanks for the helpful examples…I know the book wasn’t “about you” but head knowledge isn’t very helpful without application.
Thank you for posting this! Sometimes it is incredibly interesting/helpful to see how someone who successfully balances fitness/athleticism with veganism actually eats on a daily basis. It gives us ideas for how to organize on our own. 🙂
Matt, your practical advise and real life examples help me to eat a plant based diet. I enjoy your posts and the research you put into each one of them. I also try to read many of the books you list in your articles. Thanks alot!
I see nothing wrong with how you eat everyday and each of those things sound very good. Maybe this whole vegan thing is not as bad as I make it out to be. The only question I have would be is eating like this good even if you are not working out during the day everyday?
I am not Matt (obviously), but the benefits of a vegan diet are not only for athletes. A vegan diet is good for everybody, it maintains normal blood pressure, normal blood sugar and normal weight. While I work out, I also have periods when I work too much. I am 55 and have maintained my weight since age 23 and I still wear the same size clothes as I did then (size 2). I credit a vegetarian/vegan diet for this. There are scores of studies that show that a plant-based diet improves health and prevents high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and obesity. Plus it has more vitamins and minerals than the “standard American diet”. If you are interested in scientific facts and research studies and a good read i would recoomend “How Not To Die” by Dr. Michael Greger. -
I agree with Andrea. I’ve been vegetarian since 1964. Now I’m working on vegan…very gradually! Another good resource is “The China Study,” the author slips my mind at the moment, but you can probably find it at the library or on Amazon with just the title.
I’m not sure if I could do a plant based diet but I really like the structure of your meal plan throughout the day.
Great routine. I know how hard it is to stick with a diet like this for a long period of time.
Very inspiring
I would think you’d save some money if you assembled your salad from the items in the produce department rather than getting them from the salad bar. It would take buying more at a time and keeping them in a cooler in your car. Not so practical in the summer but do-able at other times a year. I can just see you now washing your stuff in the hotel sink !!!!
Thanks for sharing your daily vegan regimen, Matt. I’m vegetarian transitioning toward vegan and hike 4 miles a day. You answered my questions about pre- and post-workout snacks. My blender is a MicroBullet.
Great article! I also appreciate your honesty about what you do, the things you have in your book (that allow a variety of approaches), etc. I know there are still LOTS of myths about being either a vegetarian or vegan, so having real, practical information like this is very helpful. It’s how I choose to share & educated as well
I work at Wendy’s and I am going to school, and I am also an aspiring vegan. When I wake up or get home from being on my feet for eight hours, the last thing I can fathom is throwing together 10+ ingredients… the average person can’t spend half their day focused on food, shopping for it, preparing it, or eating it, much less fit in some exercise or downtime. I am overwhelmed trying to eat a whole foods plant based diet and feeling like it is for an elite group of people with unending supplies of either energy or free time. But I can’t keep living like I’m living. I’m fat and miserable, and I get exhausted just looking in the fridge or cupboards. How the hell do you guys do it?
I applaud your perserverence – something about your post resonated with me. When I first started eating a plant-based diet I, too, was overwhelmed. With a little planning, though, I began to save loads of time by preparing vegetables before putting them away in the fridge so it was quick to throw a salad together later. My freezer and pantry eventually held all the nuts, seeds, berries, almond milk, etc. I needed to throw in the blender for a morning smoothie…just start adding bulk items you want over a few shopping trips, and slowly get rid of (and stop buying) the processed food you wish to stop eating. Replace meat with beans, sweet potatoes, etc., experiment with spices…give yourself time to adopt this lifestyle. You’ll be so happy you did!
Preparation is everything. If possible take one day a week and prep your meals. Have stuff in the fridge ready to, that way you can take food with you and won’t be tempted to buy crap. Try easy recipes: tomato sauce with different veggies, stir fries, beans with green and brown rice. If you havea Trader Joe’s near you they have frozen stuff that you can use to prepare easy meals. If you have beans (in cans) and brown rice ready you can add various vegetables or sauces and presto a meal. Make some salad dressings, cut up lettuces and vegetables and presto – a salad. It doesn’t have to be complicated.
I think what you describe isn’t really different from regular cooking. Going vegan doesn’t really mean you have to go from cooker to non-cooker or vica versa. Most fruits, vegetables and nuts are perfectly good for eating raw (heck, there’s even a “raw vegan” movement that claims it is healthier to) whether you buy them fresh or frozen. You should probably buy an electric vegetable steamer (again, no preparation required) which requires zero work if even soups sound too time-consuming for you. (Though they are pretty easy once you get the hang of it.)
Thanks so much for taking the time to post this. It’s a great framework to kind of compare and contrast my own. I’m freshly vegan and so I’m trying to soak up as much info as I can. I stumbled upon your blog by happenstance and already it’s been sooooo helpful! Will definitely check out the book.
I have been plant based for 9 months now. I am 54 and had high cholesterol and high blood pressure for last 10 years (I smoked also) Last May they put a stent in my artery and life changed for the good! I quit smoking- couldn’t take all those pills they give you “post stent” so I did some research and decided to go plant based opposed to the “pills” and WOW did it work fast! I run 2 miles every other day- go to gym on days I don’t run- dropped 35 lbs and started to LOVE, LOVE cooking now (go figure). Blood pressure is 110/60 ish- cholesterol ok and doctor cant believe the turn around. WHY is this way of eating not presented to cardiac patients as a therapy to bypass surgery, stents and other illness? I know its not a cure all but needs to be an option for all! OH YEAH- I too make dinner thinking lunch next day…..It is an energetic lifestyle!
Because if doctors actually cured illnesses rather than just manage illnesses – a lot of money would be lost. Check out who sponsors some of the biggest groups like The American Heart Assoc. It’s shocking. Gotta keep everyone is biz! Sad, but true.
There is a documentary on Netflix called what the health. It will answer you’re question! I was shocked!!
Thank you for this outline of a typical day. It is exactly what I was looking for. My husband and I and our 14 kids are just starting on our vegan diet, and it has bee n tricky thinking of things to eat through out each day. This was extremely helpful.
This sounds like a great way to go healthy. I want to start on this diet – or way of eating – but being in another country, there are some of the plants I have never heard of, like: chia seeds, hemp hearts, tempeh. What is similar to these items? What can I use instead of these?
I could not find the Ezekiel bread recipe on your Recipes page. Could you please send it to me via my email. Thanks.
of all the diets WHOLE FOOD VEGAN is the HARDEST go figure.. once you cut the salt oil sugar store bought sauces and dressings and fermented crap you are left with fruit and then all these vegetables and seeds that arent edable on their own haha meanwhile your contemplating with yourself if you should go raw for maximum health but you dont wanna fight the cooked adiction ;p
I was wondering how you get your Vitamin D. Do you take a supplement and if so, what supplement? If not, what do you do? Thank you!
Thank you for this! I’m working on transitioning my whole family (me, my 3 yo, and my meat and cheese loving husband) to a plant-based diet. Needless to say, going has been slow and inconsistent. Alot of this is because I’m still adjusting recipes and learning how to cook withkut
Sorry hit post before I was done….
But I’m learning to cook without meat after being raised behind a deli counter and in a hunting family. The hardest part though is Always being hungry.
This is the most realistic meal schedule I’ve seen yet and the timing makes so much sense! I’d love an article on some of your favorite kid friendly recipes – and any you think would satisfy a heavy meat eater (who very patiently eats my plant based dinners even if he isn’t very satisfied)
Thank you so much for posting and I am going to get your book. My concern for me is I am female and I need to drop about 10 pounds. Seems like eating all day might not achieve that. I went quickly through all the comments so not sure if anyone else posted something similar. Can I lose weight on that much food? I am very active run about 10-15 miles a week but I am just at a stand still in weight. I can’t get down and I am eating primarily plant based foods. help
Thank you for posting this! after watching the last video where she said to eat 3 times a day I thought oh no I will truly starve. I do not have a weight problem. I ride a bike instead of run but my eating pattern is similar to yours minus and the beer.
This was so great to read! I’m starting to eat more plant based and to focus on my carbs being beans and sweet potatoes as opposed to processed grains. However I find if I eat a salad for lunch and workout in the evening, it wreaks havoc on my stomach. My digestive system definitely has trouble when I add in more raw veggies, even the slightest amount. What time of day do you usually do your workouts, and do any of you have advice for easing the stomach pains the plant based diet can cause for a while?
Thanks for sharing….I think Im more curious what your WIFE eats in a day….& you should have her on the podcast more. Her chef AG weight loss was very inspiring.
Awesome. Great work putting this together!!
Thank you! This article was very helpful!!!
This article is well written, extremely detailed and nothing short of amazing.
Thank you!!
Thanks for posting the beer/wine. I thought that I was the only plant based eater that enjoyed a drink after reading blogs /viewing youtube channels of fellow plant based peeps. Not one of them mention alcohol as a daily intake.
I admit, that I have daily drinks to unwind at the end of the day. However, I have more than your one. For example, I might have one as soon as I walk in the door from work. Another at the dinner table. I usually have my last one after the toddler is in bed. I know that I shouldn’t count calories but the calories in these 3 beers add up especially if they are craft beers.
Thank you very much Matt. This information is very interesting. Its always insightful to hear what other vegans eat during the day. One question: Is this a typical day for you during your off-season (when you are not training)? As, I am a marathon runner myself, I find I eat much more often and take in substantially more calories than you do.
Really enjoyed reading this thanks for posting!
I wouldn’t be too worried about oil on your salad; my father has eaten it every day on his salad and he’s 91 now. But he doesn’t put in on everything, just that, so maybe that’s the key.
I’ve been reading your posts for some time now and my diet looks very similar to this in spring and summer. My question is: do you change anything about this typical diet in fall/winter? When it’s cold outside I rarely feel like drinking a cold smoothie as my first meal of the day. Same thing for a cold salad.
Thanks for the post!
Great article, consolidates for me that I’m doing and eating the fight foods, your body tells you what you need and whole foods as nature intended will sustain us ❤️? Thank you
Can you give an idea of the calories in this? I can’t see more than 600-800 before dinnertime, it doesn’t look like much for an adult male runner! I have been trying to stick to this kind of eating plan for the past year (in an effort to be more environmentally friendly) and while I love vegan food, I have unintentionally lost weight and started feeling faint while running.
My husband and I are trying to begin whole-plants-based diet. This was very helpful, but it looks like it would amount to about 20 cups of food a day for my husband and let’s say 12 cups for me (I am smaller). This seems like A LOT of food to process (both in terms of cooking and in terms of digesting) compared to a traditional diet. Can someone please comment on this?
Hi, is it OK to follow this diet if I am not a runner? I have been following it since 12/29 and am not feeling hungry which is great. I currently am overweight and trying to change over to not eating meats. Im 5’5 at 174 last time I checked
As the mom of a high school athlete, I would love any input on a typical days meal plan for when your goal is to put on weight and muscle. Since I’m new to your Facebook page, I may have missed an earlier post. Thanks!
In the past 6 mnths my wife went plant base , I followed her and I’m Whole Foods plant base for couple o months, I find myself eat more frequently, but I’m experiencing something new that happened to me twice already and I’m not sure what is it from… for the past couple of days I’ve been experiencing stomach aches that I can’t even stand straight after a meal.. usually dinner.. I eat the same mostly since started this diet..the pin is horrible.. goes away over night… together with stomach ache I’m experiencing weird back pain.. not sure if related… anyone experiencing the same. Thanks.
Please contact your physician for assistance with this issue.
Hi! I’ve been vegan for 4 years and I have been noticing this past year that I’ve been dealing with a lot of bloating. In the morning I will have a flat stomach and feel great but by the time I’m home in the evening my stomach is puffed, it feels full and tight, and its uncomfortable. I came to your page to compare our diets to get a an idea of what I might be doing. Our days look very similar – smoothie in the morning, salad for lunch, and some type of vegetable and grain dinner. I do notice that I eat a lot of potatoes which you didn’t seem to mention as well as tortillas. Is bloating like this something you’ve come a crossed?
Thank you. I have been plant based for awhile and have gone to whole foods over the last year. I however just started adding in exercise in the last several months and I noticed I feel hungry most of the day. I am doing weight training and building or circuit training 4 days a week for at least an hour. One day of straight cardio and I do at least one hike a week for about 4 to 6 miles. I am worried I am not eating enough of the right foods which leaves me hungry more often than not. I am also worried if I overeat it will be counter productive for my muscle building and weight loss. I haven’t lost a pound in 2 months of the extensive working out even though I am getting smaller.
This has been very informative! My husband and I have had a mostly plant based/vegan lifestyle for a year and a half. We’ve given up all meat and dairy but still occasionally have fish. We feel so much better overall! However, we have not perfected what to eat and when to eat so we get caught in decision fatigue often. Thank you for spelling out what and how you eat everyday. Your explanations and reasoning behind your thoughts are insightful. The links in the article are informative too. This has been very helpful! Thank you!
Your website was very informative like to learn more being only a vegan less than a year.
I think it depends on what you like or your habits! ;p
There’s a lot of choices once you became to look on vegan diet.
A boring, insipid, monotonous & empty diet.
Forget the pleasure of food.
Nothing here except penance, pain and…. nothing.
Thank you so much! I love your blogue and i’ve been reading it since i discovered it!
I completely disagree, but I understand some people can’t have healthy lifestyle.
I was inspired but his diet.
Excellent information.
Thank you
I eat cereal with almond milk at night too as an evening snack haha.
Thanks for the info. All so relevant to what I was looking for.
I’m curious what you would recommend changing/moving around for those who exercise in morning?
Hello, I’m just wondering what your shopping routine looks like. Bananas, in particular, are only at peak for a couple days, so if you’re having 2-3 every day, does that mean you’re shopping multiple times a week? And maybe in spring/summer/fall you can grab some greens from your garden, but what about winter? They don’t last very long either. I feel like that is my main challenge — I go shopping, eat really well for several days, and then have several days of “lazy meals” before I go shopping again. Does anyone else experience this? Thanks!
I have been a vegan for over 15 years. In the early years, I are carb heavy. Within the last few years, I wanted to really change the way my body looks.
I’ve brought the book and read it cover to cover twice and took notes. I have a mental block when it comes to the number on the scale increasing.
My goal is to gain muscle but not weight. In other words I want to be tone – narrow waist, flat stomach, round butt. I am an intermittent faster and a junk food junkie (which I am doing better with controlling). I meal prep a balanced meal weekly l, drink at least half my body weight in water.
I recently had surgery so I cannot lift more than 10lbs. I have a full home gym- any recommendations?
Thanks for sharing your typical day of eating. I’ve been trying to stick to a wfpb style of eating for 4 years and find it so difficult at times because my husband has a a typical American diet with plenty of junk food that he enjoys and brings home regularly. I’ve asked not to but, it still happens. Where I live the word vegan is still so foreign, too!
I’m human and despite knowing the good and bad, I end up gravitating toward things I know I shouldn’t. I just won’t give up, I guess, because I believe in the science of a wfpb way of eating. It’s just a struggle I’ll have to deal with.
Seeing your typical day is so interesting to me! After going vegan in February (after 7 years as a vegetarian) I find that I am eating much more frequently, which is similar to what you described in your post. I’ve never really thought about it before this, but I wonder if that’s a typical experience and what the mechanism might be. I’m sure part of it is just being active people, as I started training for races around the same time as the dietary switch. In any case, very interesting stuff. Thanks for the insights!