Rich Roll On The Plantpower Way – Part 2

In just a few short years since he gave up cheeseburgers and decided to train for a triathlon, Rich Roll has gotten his name on the short list of people you mention when somebody asks if a plant-based diet can work for athletes.
It started with his surprising finish at Ultraman, essentially a double Ironman over the course of three days in Hawaii.
Then it was being named one of the 25 Fittest Guys in the World by Men’s Fitness, and in 2012, sharing his story in his first book, Finding Ultra.
Recently, it’s been spreading the message with his uplifting and thought-provoking podcast, and traveling the world giving talks about his story and the power of a plant-based lifestyle.
Today Rich’s new cookbook, The Plantpower Way, hits the shelves, and it’s my immense privilege to bring you a new interview, recipe, and giveaway from one of the most recognizable people in plant-based fitness.
The NMA Academy Seminar with Rich Roll
Just after we ran the 5K at the Marshall Healthfest last month, Rich and I sat down to record an hour-long, in-depth seminar for the No Meat Athlete Academy. Although these seminars are typically private for our members, I’m excited to make Part 1 of that interview available here, in celebration of the release of The Plantpower Way and the one-year anniversary of the NMA Academy:
In this portion, we focus on diet and Rich’s new book. In Part 2 of the interview, which you can get when you subscribe for free to NMA Radio on iTunes, we dive into Rich’s low-intensity training philosophy, his approach to mindfulness, and his now-famous advice that you should quit lifehacking and instead invest in the journey.
‘The Plantpower Way’ Giveaway and Recipe!
In Rich’s first book, Finding Ultra, with his incredible story of transformation from unhealthy middle-aged guy to an Ultraman finisher recognized as one of the fittest men in the world, Rich piqued our collective interest: Finding Ultra brought inspiration in spades, and it left us dying to know the “how.”
No doubt, that’s a huge reason for the success of the weekly Rich Roll Podcast. But today, The Plantpower Way, the long-awaited followup to Finding Ultra, delivers what we’ve been waiting for: 120 recipes from Rich and his wife, Julie Piatt. And they’re recipes designed not for the professional athlete, but for families, to show everyone hat you — yes, you, with the family and the job and social life — can eat this way too.
I’ve had the privilege of checking out an advance copy of the book, and it’s stunning — sized almost like a coffee-table book, with full color photography throughout. The recipes capture a balance between superfood energy and an ease of preparation that has become essential in my house with two kids, now five and two years told. And three “paths” through the book — Lotus for vitality, Herbivore for performance, Phoenix for transformation — help readers navigate the abundance of recipes in a way that fits their particular goals.
I’m excited to dive into these recipes, and just as excited to offer up a copy, courtesy of Avery Books, for giveaway!. To enter, just leave a comment on this post and I’ll randomly choose a winner on Monday, May 6th and announce his or her name in the comments section. (The giveaway copy can be shipped within the U.S. only — like I said, this thing is gigantic!)
So enter the giveaway, enjoy the recipe below, or head over to Rich’s site and grab a copy of The Plantpower Way.
Ultra Energy Bars Recipe from ‘The Plantpower Way’
Reprinted from The Plantpower Way by arrangement with Avery Books, a member of Penguin Group (USA) LLC, A Penguin Random House Company. Copyright © 2015, Rich Roll & Julie Piatt.
Rich isn’t the only one who loves the supercharged vitality he experiences from eating these nutritious homemade bars – our kids devour them as a healthy alternative to processed store bought varieties. Power packed with healthy ingredients like nuts, seeds, coconut and dried berries that boast a plentitude of protein, healthy fats and fiber, these energy boosters will keep your engine revving all day long. Great for packing in your child’s lunchbox! Eat one of these bars and then, as Rich says, get it done.
• 1 cup raw almonds or walnuts, soaked overnight
• 1/4 cup cacao nibs
• 1/4 cup hemp seeds
• 1/4 cup dried goji berries
• 2 tablespoon cacao powder
• 1/4 cup coconut, shredded
• Pinch large coarse Celtic sea salt
• 7-8 dates, soaked and pitted
1. In a food processor, pulse nuts until mealy in texture.
2. Now add the cacao nibs, hemp seeds, goji berries, cacao powder, shredded coconut and sea salt to the processor. Pulse again until ingredients are well-incorporated.
3. With the motor running, add one date at a time. After seven dates, you will see the mixture ball-up on one side of the bowl. You may need to redistribute the mixture and process it again to make sure the dates are mixed in.
4. On a piece of parchment paper, press the cookies in an even layer about 1/4” thick.
5. With a knife, score out a grid of rectangular shaped pieces approximately 2” x 3”. If desired, press additional hemp seeds or shredded coconut on the surface.
6. Wrap in parchment paper or parchment bags. Take them out on a trail run, hike or bike ride to sustain you throughout your training session!