A Raw Curry Soup Disaster
I love the idea of eating raw, and the increased energy that comes along with it. And I do eat a lot of raw food, in the form of raw smoothies, salads, and fruits— my guess is that about a third to one-half of my calories come from raw sources. But I haven’t really had much success in incorporating raw lunches and dinners into my diet. Part of the problem is that I love cooking, but I think the bigger issue is that given a choice between a hot, comforting dinner and a room-temperature or cold one, I’ll take the hot one every time. They’re always healthy and vegetarian, but not often raw.
Anyway, as part of my hangover-induced burst of inspiration last weekend, I picked up some raw food books from the library. And since Erin is away this weekend, I was saddled with the meal-planning duties and grocery shopping. So I chose a few raw-food dinners to try this week, the first of which I screwed up made tonight.
The recipe was for curried soup, from the book RAWvolution. (And it had a beautiful orange color that’s unfortunately obscured by foam in the photo.) I made a few adjustments, including using regular soy sauce since I didn’t have raw. Here’s the version I made:
Raw Curry Soup
Ingredients (for 2 large servings):
- 2 15-oz cans coconut milk (lite, optionally)
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1/4 cup soy sauce
- 1 Tbsp Tandoori curry powder
- 2-inch piece of ginger, peeled
- 3 cloves of garlic, peeled
- salt to taste
For garnish:
- 6 cherry tomatoes, sliced
- 6 shiitake mushrooms, sliced
- 2 Tbsp chopped fresh mint
Combine all the non-garnish ingredients except coconut milk in a blender and blend on high until well-combined. Add coconut milk, blend again. Pour into bowls, scoop off foam with a ladel, and garnish.
Well, that’s almost the version I made. This soup smelled so good that I couldn’t resist dipping my finger in to taste it while it was in the blender. When I did, I was shocked at how sweet it was, and my first thought was “Does coconut milk have sugar in it?” Immediately I knew what went wrong. I checked out the ingredients on the can of Goya Cream of Coconut that I had just bought at the store to use in the soup, and realized that this was not simply a matter of those crazy foreigners mistranslating “coconut milk” as “cream of coconut.” No no, it was more a matter of me inadvertently adding 240 grams of sugar to my curried soup! I think cream of coconut is the stuff they put in pina coladas. Mierda!
I choked down a bowl of this stuff, trying to cover up the sweetness with loads of salt. It didn’t work (of course), and here I sit with a nice stomach ache by which to remember my rawful dinner for one. At least Erin wasn’t here to eat it.
It’s a damn shame, because I think it would have been delicious, and a great example of a comforting, satisfying raw dinner. Maybe I’ll try it again later this week, without the cup and a half of sugar.
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Hi Matt,
Good for you trying out a whole new way of cooking or not cooking for that matter ;). I love raw foods, they give me a ton of energy! I do have to tell you though, coconut milk out of a can is not raw. One of the reasons it had so much sugar in it is that it was cooked down. You may want to try a fresh coconut next time.
Thanks for the link to your mom’s blog, she’s awesome! The post about dogs was very amusing.
Oh no! I inadvertently bought two different types of coconut milk (one regular, one lite) for banana ice cream this weekend, but that doesn’t make much of a difference.
I must give this a try.
i was reading your mom’s blog – GOOD FOR HER! i think that is simply awesome what she is doing! she will be back to welcome her grandchild though, no?
sorry about the soup 🙁
.-= Holly´s last blog ..The 20-Mile Run =-.
a adore curry! i like my food to have a kick!
the hangover lightbulb moment. Speaking of which… how’s the no-coffee going?! I’m dying to know 🙂
.-= Mel @ She Runs Brooklyn´s last blog ..Instant Pleasure =-.
Hey Mel, “no” coffee is going very well. I quote it because I didn’t really give it up. I just haven’t wanted it. When I do really want it, which has been twice in almost two weeks, I have it! But recently it has not seemed very appealing, probably because of what I’ve started to associated with it.
I’ve screwed up my fair share of raw recipes. I made some Kale Chips last night that ended up being ok, but were nowhere near amazing.
.-= Caleb´s last blog ..Trail running on a rainy Saturday =-.
HAHAHAH, that is sooo funny!!!! I hate when that kind of stuff happens. Its like crap, I just made all of this soup and now what?!
Sounds like it would’ve been a pretty decent recipe had you used coconut milk instead of pina colada mix.
Thanks for posting, always glad that I’m not the only one that does stuff like this in the kitchen!
.-= Jamie Walker´s last blog ..All in a Day’s Work =-.
I am glad I am not the only one who screws up recipes every once in a while. Thank goodness your poor wife wasn’t home to witness the blunder. You never know the aversions you can create from one bad meal.