Ray Cronise and the Metabolic Winter Hypothesis

Ray Cronise, whom you’ll know from a previous podcast episode and from Tim Ferriss’ 4-Hour Body (where Ray is the cold-stress fat-loss guy), is back — our first repeat guest on NMA Radio.
Why have Ray on again? Because in continuing his history of disruption — first in the aerospace industry and now in the field of nutrition — Ray has just published an academic paper that he and his co-authors believe lays the foundation for a revolution in nutrition science.
The paper is titled The Metabolic Winter Hypothesis, and you should download it here before you listen to the podcast.
It’s six pages long, and not difficult reading … but even if you don’t have time to read it all right now, at least take a look at the Food Triangle — a simple visual representation of Ray and his co-authors’ new approach to nutrition.
Among lots of implications for addressing the obesity epidemic, the food triangle explains how two diets so seemingly opposite as plant-based and Paleo have achieved such success at the same time.
If you’re ready to think differently about the way you eat, download the paper and give this episode a focused listen.
Here’s what we talk about:
- The primary cause of obesity and chronic illness in our society
- The impact of over-nourishment and the danger of nutrition in excess
- Restricting calories to create longevity
- Rethinking how we organize food
- Why the plant-based diet isn’t the only way to lose weight … but can be one of the best
- Why protein is not included in Ray’s new food triangle
Click the button below to listen now:
- Click here to download the MP3 file (you may need to right-click and “save link as”)
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Links from the show:
- The ‘Metabolic Winter’ Hypothesis (download Ray’s paper that we discuss throughout the episode)
- The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss
- Ray’s TEDMED Talk
- Why Paleos and Vegans Should Stop Hating Each Other