Jeff Sanders of 5 AM Miracle on How to Dominate Your Day

I’ve written a lot about accountability and how it can help you achieve big goals.
From signing up for a race before you’re even close to ready, to paying someone 25 bucks every day you don’t write (done them both), I’m a huge believer that accountability is the difference between goals that get achieved and goals that get forgotten.
Jeff Sanders, host of the popular 5 AM Miracle podcast, is my personal accountability partner. Every Friday morning, we get on Skype for half an hour to talk about our plans for the coming week — and whether we made good on our commitments the previous week.
Jeff is into waking up early, productivity, and everything else you’d expect given his podcast name, but he also eats a high-raw vegan diet and is a many-time marathoner. A big part of Jeff’s approach to staying productive and creative is having the energy to do so — which, of course, comes from the diet and lifestyle. And that’s why I’m excited to introduce you to Jeff in this week’s episode of NMA Radio.
Here’s what we talk about in this episode:
- The drastic physical and mental changes Jeff noticed after going plant-based
- What to do when your partner eats differently than you do
- Why early morning hours can be your most productive
- How to set productivity habits that stick
- Motivation and the power of accountability
Click the button below to listen now:
- Click here to download the MP3 file (you may need to right-click and “save link as”)
- Subscribe to the show on iTunes
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Links from the show:
- Jeff’s website
- The 5 AM Miracle Podcast
- How to Go Plant-Based (When Your Partner Won’t)
- Darren Hardy’s blog
PS — Good luck to co-host Doug in his first 100-miler, this weekend!