17 Things We Wish We Knew Before Running Our First Ultramarathons

Written by Doug Hay
Thinking about running your first ultramarathon? You won’t regret it, we promise. But…
There are a few things you should probably know first. Actually, there are 17 things.
In this week’s episode, Matt and I think back on what it was like training for our first ultramarathons—the hangups and frustrations, and the advice that could have saved us many headaches.
And we’re sharing this with the hope that you don’t make some of the same mistakes we did.
Here’s what we talk about in this episode:
- Switching from roads to trails.
- The long training run.
- Does running an ultra make you a worse runner?
- Focusing on the downhills (and learning how to walk).
- The beautiful curse of finishing your first ultramarathon.
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