Make Time for Yourself (And Make Yourself Happy)

Matt is a wanna-be chess nerd.
That’s right, when Matt isn’t working on No Meat Athlete, hanging with his family, cooking, or going to the gym, he’s geeking out on tutorials.
And that’s probably exactly what he should be doing.
It’s easy to get so caught up in work, family, and other obligations that you never make time for yourself, and when you don’t make time to do things that bring you joy, it’s hard to bring joy into the other things you do.
In today’s episode, Matt and I discuss the importance of hobbies, what makes for a good hobby, and why we think they’re so important.
Here’s what we talk about in this episode:
- The most important habit
- What makes for a good hobby?
- Thinking outside the box
- Why coffee kept Matt from meditating
- The deal with disc golf
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Athletic Greens: This episode of No Meat Athlete Radio is brought to you by Athletic Greens, a complete whole food supplement, with 75 plant-based ingredients working together to help with 11 different areas of your health. Learn more at
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