How to Get Your Kids to Eat Healthy

If wading through all the conflicting information out there to decide how to feed yourself is hard, making that choice for your children is even more stressful.
You can pay attention to your body and how you feel when you make personal diet decisions. And if by chance you do make a mistake and your health suffers for it, you can handle that your own choices are to blame.
With your kids, though, there’s an added sense of a responsibility, and for me at least, much less tolerance for risk. Diet self-experiments might be fun for me, but when it comes to what my kids eat, I’m not interested in anything that hasn’t been proven.
In this episode of NMA Radio, I interview Karen Ranzi, raw food advocate and author of Creating Healthy Children, which T. Colin Campbell has endorsed as a “most important book … that is must reading.”
Here’s what we talk about in this episode:
- How I raise my kids as vegans
- How to interest your kids in fresh fruits and vegetables
- What parents can do to feel confident in the choice to feed their kids a vegan diet
- How to deal with outside criticism about how you feed your family
- Finding a supportive pediatrician
- Should kids choose this diet, or should we choose it for them?
- The philosophy of attachment parenting
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Links from the show:
- Raising Healthy Children
- Super Healthy Children (Karen’s YouTube Channel)
- Creating Healthy Children by Karen Ranzi