The 3100 Mile Foot Race with Sanjay Rawal
What if I were to tell you that there was a 3,100-mile foot race.
What if I then told you that the entire thing consisted of nothing but loops around a half-mile NYC block.
You’d think I was crazy, right?
Well guess what, the race exists. And yes, there are dozens of people that run it each year.
It’s called the Self-Transcendence 3100 Miler, and in today’s episode, we talked about it with Sanjay Rawal, the filmmaker behind 3100: Run and Become. He shared more about the race as well as about the training and mental strength it takes to get through this kind of event.
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This episode of No Meat Athlete Radio is brought to you by WHOOP, the performance tool that is changing the way people track their fitness and optimize their training through a wrist worn heart rate monitor that provides analytics and insights on recovery, strain, and sleep. Click here to learn more, and use code nomeat at checkout to save 15%.