Weight Loss and Ideal Eating Habits with Ray Cronise

From his appearance in The 4-Hour Body to an ABC Nightline interview to his TEDMED talk, Ray Cronise is making waves in the nutrition and weight-loss worlds.
Ray is the guy whose ideas led to what in many people’s eyes was the most memorable part of Tim Ferriss’ epic fitness bestseller The 4-Hour Body — that cold stress, in the form of cold showers, ice baths, and cold packs, can play a significant role in aiding rapid fat loss.
Back in 2008, when it was reported that swimmer Michael Phelps ate 12,000 calories a day, it was Ray who noticed that something was amiss. Phelps might have trained harder than anyone, but he wasn’t doing the 10 hours of continuous butterfly per day that under the traditional “calories in / calories out” model would have been necessary to avoid weight gain, when so many calories were coming in.
The missing part of the equation? That the pool was cold, and Phelps’s body had to expend an enormous amount of energy just to keep itself warm.
So Ray, a former NASA scientist who himself had put on some extra pounds over the years, used his scientific training to dive headlong into the study of nutrition and health — and in the process, lost 50 pounds.
And as it turns out, the diet Ray chooses — the one he believes is optimal for weight loss in the short term, health and longevity in the long term — is 100 percent plant-based.
Like any good scientist, Ray is skeptic; indeed, his mindset of questioning long-held assumptions and dogma is what’s primarily responsible for his history of disruptiveness wherever he turns his attention.
But (warning!) this approach means that when you listen to Ray, you’ll likely hear a few things you don’t want to hear: along with his belief that some beloved health foods aren’t so healthy, Ray has recently begun to question whether exercise is really necessary — for weight loss or even long-term health.
In this interview, Ray and I talk for well over an hour to dive deep into his understanding of nutrition and health. He’s not afraid to stand apart from the crowd, and if you listen with an open mind, I promise you’ll learn something new and foundation-shaking.
Here’s what Ray and I talk about in this episode:
- Ray’s background of disruptiveness with NASA and Zero-G
- The role cold stress plays in weight loss
- How Ray got started with a plant-based diet
- What Paleos and vegans have in common
- Why it’s utterly ridiculous to label foods as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats
- Should we avoid added oil and salt altogether?
- The optimal diet for health
- Do we really need to exercise at all?
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Links from the show:
- Thermogenex (Ray’s Blog)
- The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss
- Ray’s TEDMED talk
- Why Vegans and Paleos Should Stop Hating Each Other
- Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat by Hal Herzog
- Dr. Fuhrman
- NutritionFacts.org
- Low Fat Vegan Chef
- Happy Herbivore
- My Eat to Live Challenge
- Wake Up: 31 Days & Actions to Take Charge of Your Life (my new ebook)