How to Find the Time to Do Everything You Want

Michael, I did nothing. I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be. — Peter Gibbons, Office Space
Shortly after I started this blog back in 2009, long before I added ultramarathons and kids into my life, a lot of people started asking me: How do you find time to do it all?
Back then, “it all” meant marathon training, eating a vegetarian diet, not flunking out of grad school, writing a blog, and being a husband.
I never thought it was that much, honestly … I always had plenty of time to do nothing; time to just be.
But now that two young kiddos are part of the picture — along with a 100-mile ultra, a new book, and a 40-city tour to go with it — this year there hasn’t been so much time to do nothing. I have a new understanding of “busy,” something I’m never proud to be.
So with that understanding — and the skills and tricks I’ve learned for accomplishing a lot of different goals without going insane — I’m ready to take a decent shot at answering the How do you find the time? question.
That’s what this episode, number 17 of No Meat Athlete Radio, is about. Doug and I sat down and talked about how we manage to balance fitness, healthy eating, and family life (because that’s all pretty important, you know) along with all the extraneous stuff we want to do.
Here’s hoping you’ll find a nugget or two that’ll help you handle what you’ve got on your plate, or maybe even add something more — even if that something more is just some precious quiet time to yourself, with which to do nothing.
Here’s what we talk about in this episode:
- The classic time management tip: important vs. urgent
- Is multitasking really any good?
- The power of turning “shoulds” into “musts”
- Choosing to spend time on activities that create more time
- Being efficient with your workouts
- My plans for running on the book tour
- Time-saving tips for eating a healthy plant-based diet
- Meal planning strategies when you don’t have much time
PS — We had some audio issues this time around that made the sound a little bit distorted at times. Sorry about that!
Click the button below to listen now:
- Click here to download the MP3 file (you may need to right-click and “save link as”)
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Links from the show:
- No Meat Athlete: Run on Plants and Discover Your Fittest, Fastest, Happiest Self
- No Meat Athlete Book Tour
- Why I ran 442 Consecutive Days (And Why I Quit)
- NMA Radio episode on creating habits
- How to Make a Perfect Smoothie
- Dr. Seuss Secret to Simplifying Your Meal Planning
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- The 4-Hour Work Week
Thanks for listening!