Farm Sanctuary Co-Founder and Ironman Gene Baur

Gene Baur would be pretty darn cool if he were “just” the co-founder of Farm Sanctuary.
Through his work there, Gene has become a published author and speaker, and a respected leader in the vegan, vegetarian, and animal advocacy worlds.
But when I go from admiration to downright jealousy is when you add, to all of Gene’s other accomplishments, the fact that he’s also a marathoner: after speaking at our pre-race No Meat Athlete dinner before the Rock ‘n’ Roll USA marathon and half, Gene proceeded to run the marathon faster than anyone in our group, en route to qualifying for Boston on his first try.
Oh yeah, and now he’s an Ironman, having completed his first one last month, in under 12 hours — breaking four hours in the marathon, following the 112-mile bike and 2.4-mile swim. No big deal.
It was a pleasure to have Gene as a guest on No Meat Athlete Radio. In this episode, we talk a bit about Farm Sanctuary and its mission, then compare how we trained and fueled our recent races — Gene’s Ironman and my 100-miler, which coincidentally took place on the same weekend.
Here’s are a few of the topics we talk about about in this episode:
- Farm Sanctuary’s humble beginnings (and how it was funded at first by vegetarian hot dog sales)
- The gentle approach (rather than the in-your-face one) to animal activism
- How the vegan movement has changed since Gene started out in the mid-80’s
- Gene’s progression from half marathon to marathon to Ironman
- How Gene fueled his Ironman
- Eating healthily and training while traveling
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Links from the show:
- Farm Sanctuary
- Farm Sanctuary Blog
- No Meat Athlete Rock & Roll DC event
- Mike Arnstein (The Fruitarian)
- RAGNAR Relay. Washington, DC
- Perpetuem
- HEED Sports Drink
Books we discussed:
- Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food
- No Meat Athlete: Run on Plants and Discover Your Fittest, Fastest, Happiest Self
- No Meat Athlete Triathlon Roadmap
Thanks for listening!