Michael Greger, MD on How Not to Die

I admit I’ve been a bit behind the curve when it comes to the considerable force that is Dr. Michael Greger, author of the new (and gigantic) book, How Not to Die.
As one has always preferred reading text to watching video, it took me a while to discover what an incredible resource his site, NutritionFacts.org, is. There Greger posts daily videos about nutrition, based heavily on the distilled results of scientific journal articles and watchable in four minutes or less.
But when I watched several of his presentations on last year’s Holistic Holiday at Sea cruise — he gives more than 100 talks per year — I became an instant fan. What I didn’t know then was that he donates all of his speaking fees, doesn’t profit from his website, and gives away all his book royalties, too.
Benevolently, I’m sure, but with the pleasant side effect of preserving his scientific integrity, giving his recommendations that much more weight in my eyes.
Oh, and Dr. Greger is also the Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture at the Humane Society of the United States. No big deal.
I was fortunate to get Dr. Greger to slow down (sort of: he recorded this interview from his treadmill desk, on which he walks 17 miles each day) to record a 40-minute interview for NMA Radio, and it’s my pleasure to share it with you today. It’s one of my favorite episodes to date, and when you listen, you’ll get an immediate sense for Michael’s enthusiasm and benefit from his immensely deep understanding of health and nutrition.
Here’s what we talk about in this episode:
- Do we not need “diet” books at all?
- Why nobody needs to give up their favorite foods
- When we might starting living forever (it’s sooner than you think)
- How to deal with conflicting nutrition information on the internet
- Dr. Greger’s interesting definition of whole foods — and when we can improve on nature’s foods
- Should Twinkies be on the Paleo diet?
- Coffee: good for bad?
- Dr. Greger’s thoughts on oil
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Links from the show:
- The Holistic Holiday at Sea vegan cruise (Dr. Greger and I will both be there again this year!)
- NutritionFacts.org
- How Not to Die by Michael Greger, MD