Joel Runyon — Ultramarathons and Doing the Impossible

After graduating from college, Joel Runyon couldn’t get a job. Not at Starbucks, not at Caribou Coffee, not at Target. He also wasn’t an athlete, and had never run a 5K.
Just five years later, he’s actually spoken at the headquarters of Target, one of the very companies that wouldn’t hire him. He’s spoken at TEDx, done a half Ironman, run an ultramarathon, raised $25,000 to build a school in Guatemala, and traveled the world. Joel now doesn’t need a job, because he makes a living documenting his perpetual quest to do the impossible and helping tens of thousands of readers to the same.
And it all started with a list. Not a bucket list, but an Impossible List.
Next on the list: run 7 ultras on 7 different continents (ending with the Leadville 100) to raise money to build 7 schools. All in the next year.
Joel has been a friend of mine for about as long as I’ve written No Meat Athlete, and it was a pleasure to have him share his knowledge and inspiration for doing the impossible on this episode of NMA Radio.
Here’s what we talk about in this episode:
- How Joel went from unemployed and living in his parents’ basement to doing the impossible
- How an “Impossible” list differs from a “Bucket” list
- The 777 Project: 7 ultramarathons on 7 continents to build 7 schools
- Breaking through self-imposed limits to do the impossible
- How running helps build the “do the impossible” muscle
- Joel’s tips for going from non-runner to multiple ultramarathons in just 5 years
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Links from the show:
- Impossible HQ
- The Impossible List
- The 777 Project
- How to Run 100 Miles with Matt Frazier (on Joel’s podcast, Impossible FM)
- Cold Shower Therapy