Chocolate Peanut Butter Mousse with Avocado
Hey everybody! This is Christine, the NMA’s little sister. I’m so excited to be writing this guest post! After all, I have been a busy bee following this blog, commenting, sharing it on Facebook, working on the logo, and trying out the recipes for myself. Now it’s my turn to share what I love: desserts! As Matt has mentioned, I work as a baker for a vegetarian restaurant. Before that, I worked for two years as the head baker at a boutique style cupcakery.
For the next month, I will be checking in each Friday with a new healthy recipe to satisfy your sweet tooth! I find people are unnecessarily intimidated by baking mainly from what I believe are poorly written recipes and most of all inaccurate baking times. So for this first recipe I thought we could ease into it by keeping the oven off. Hopefully we can enjoy some awesome desserts that encompass the same real-food (not health-food!) values we apply to the rest of our meals.
The idea for this series of dessert posts occurred to me after reading Matt’s article on the two faces of vegetarianism (the soy “not dog” versus the fabulous fresh goodies from the farmer’s market). I was making a vegan blackbottom cheesecake, and while it looked pretty and tasted yummy, the ingredients were nagging me. All I could think about were all the different varieties of soy product that went in it. Often a vegan dessert is just a copy of a traditional dessert, really no different than a not-dog copy of a hot dog. It just seems like an odd choice when we put so much into planning our meals the rest of the day.
I guess that explains the guilt that people usually associate with eating dessert. Even traditional non-vegan desserts have a guilty stigma; think about how often they are described as sinful. That’s probably because in every other meal we choose canola oil over butter, wheat flour over white, etc. Then in one sitting we eat more butter than we normally would have all week.
I know, I know, a dessert is supposed to be a treat (especially for people who are vegan) so just ease up, right? Sure, I do believe we deserve to indulge, I just think there is a better way. We are going to get creative using natural sweeteners, flour alternatives, and healthy fats. You like pumpkin pie right? Carrot cake? Zucchini bread? Those are a couple of examples of veggies we’ve already accepted into the dessert world; now it’s time to introduce some more, starting with the avocado. (Oh wait, an avocado’s a fruit!)
Let’s get started with this week’s NMA dessert: chocolate peanut butter mousse! (Shh it’s made from avocado!)
I have heard of using avocado and chocolate together (chocamole, anyone?) but I was wary of it tasting healthy in a contrived way, without any of the fun indulgent part. Boy was I wrong! I developed this recipe just starting with the avocados and chocolate, tasting it as I went and deciding what it needed it terms of sweetness and chocolatey goodness. For the chocolate I used Baker’s brand which is made only from chocolate, sugar, cocoa butter, an emulsifier, and vanilla. Unfortunately it shares equipment that processes milk, so if you want true vegan go with Tropical Source semi-sweet chips. The addition of the peanut butter really sealed the deal on making sure there was no avocado aftertaste. The end result was so creamy and delicious. People will be amazed when they find out the secret! Here’s what I came up with:
Chocolate Mousse with Avocado Recipe
4 oz semisweet chocolate
1 tbs canola oil
2 avocados
2 tbs cocoa
2 tbs pure maple syrup
2 tbs honey (if you don’t eat honey, agave nectar or more maple syrup is fine)
2 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt
1/4 cup natural peanut butter
Put the chocolate in a microwave safe bowl and stir to coat with the canola oil. Microwave for 45 seconds. Stir, then microwave for 30 seconds. Repeat with decreasing times until the chocolate is melted and smooth. In a separate bowl, mash the avocado roughly with a fork or pastry cutter, then whisk to get the lumps out. You can use a food processor if you’d like, but I just beat the crap out of it with a hand whisk. Combine the melted chocolate with the smooth avocado. Add the remaining ingredients except for the peanut butter. (Measure the syrup and honey with the same spoon you used for the oil so that it slides right out.) Use a spatula to force the mousse through a fine mesh strainer to seriously get any last lumps out. Then add the peanut butter. Makes four servings. Small but rich! Top with sprinkles, fruit, or anything your heart desires and dig in.
Hope you enjoy this chocolate peanut butter mousse and feel good about eating it too! I really was nuts for it. It’s delicious room temperature or chilled. I was particularly stoked about how well it firmed up in the fridge overnight- I’m thinking with a few alterations it has potential for delicious (and healthy) icebox pie filling! But that’s for another post…
Until next Friday, stay sweet!
xoxo Christine
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Nice work Christine. I can vouch for your baking skils. Everyone should check out BellyLaugh Bakery. Your cupcakes rule and I am sure this will be tasty too.
Nice contribution Chrissy! If you say this is yummy, I do not doubt it to be true. Can’t wait to try it. Just hope I can keep from adding cilantro and Habenero pepper!
This looks delicious! I am definitely going to try it. I love that I’ll need only a microwave, a whisk and a strainer- so nice and simple!
Avocado’s in there! We never would’ve guessed. How interesting.
I am so excited about the dessert post! You know I am already a huge fan of BellyLaugh and NMA so this is a super combo:)
Looks awesome Christine! I am going to try it!
Matt – this is Becca Christine’s friend from JCS…I have been reading your blog but not commenting (“lurking” if you will), great job so far!
Hey Becca! Don’t worry, lurking is cool. But commenting is even cooler. I know you are a runner, I think I even saw you at a race (maybe it was San Diego?). Are you still doing races?
Umm…where to start, where to start..ok I’ll start first by wiping the drool off my face. *done* Moving on. I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED SOMEONE TO DEVELOP A RECIPE MARRYING MY TWO LOVES, CHOCOLATE & AVOCADO! I am so excited to see this recipe (hence the caps) and can’t wait to try it! Woo-hoo! Now I know others are going to scoff at me for suggesting this, but if you would put the nutritional content for your recipes, I would be oh-so-stoked! I can figure it out myself, of course, but it would be uber cool if I didn’t have to! 😉 Can’t wait to read more of your creations!
Annabel’s last blog post..Fish Are Friends, Not Food
Hi I’m glad you’re excited about the recipe! I’m not sure of the nutritional content since I was just playing around in the kitchen. It isn’t a low-fat food, but the fats in it are mono and polyunsaturated, the good kind! 🙂 I know there is more fiber, protein, and cholesterol-fighting goodness in this vegan mousse than regular mousse, that’s for sure.
I checked out your blog and I really like your post about your greatest love affair, Cinnamon Buns! Those are one of my favorites too. I’m going to experiment making a healthy version in the very near future so keep checking back!
That looks delicious! Your job sounds like a ton of fun.
Sagan’s last blog post..Book Review and Giveaway: The End of Overeating by David A. Kessler, MD
Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum!
Deb Schiff’s last blog post..Book Review: Vegan Soul Kitchen
YUM! Another delightful creation by Christine!
this looks soooo deliciously scrumptious – i want it right now! congrats on starting your own business!
Holly’s last blog post..Gettin’ My Vitamin D
This will be fun to try. I wonder if my husband would even guess about the avocados? How do you think dark chocolate and organic, virgin coconut oil as replacements would go over in this dish?
Natalie’s last blog post..The Algarve
Natalie, you should definitely give it a shot- my carniboyfriend ate it all up! Coconut oil would be fine in this. I think the coconut taste of the oil is light enough that it won’t compete with the peanut butter, or you could switch to something like almond butter. I would probably microwave the coconut oil by itself first to get it to more of a liquid state, then add the chocolate and proceed. If the chocolate is unsweetened, just add more honey/agave spoon by spoon until it’s to your liking.
I just made this, and it’s great! It was a snap to make in my new Vitamix 😀 and came out perfectly smooth and sooo rich. In the best way!
.-= Amber Shea (Almost Vegan)´s last blog ..Almost vegan comes home =-.
This is BOOKMARKED! Great stuff. Who knew two of my favorite things could work so well together like this.
I had this page bookmarked for a while now, just waiting for the right time to make this. OMG, it is amazing and super simple to make too!! When you’re craving a rich chocolate treat, this is for you! DELICIOUS
Wow, I just stumbled upon your site. It’s awesome. What a great recipe, I am eating it now and can’t wait to try other recipes from your site. Is that picture on your banner along the Promonade at Henderson’s wharf in Baltimore? I love to run the promonade and it looks so familiar.
Hi Gaby, I’m glad you like my site! That photo was in fact taken in Baltimore, I’m really surprised you could recognize it from what little is visible in it. I don’t know the name of the wharf though; it’s in Fells Point. Does it sound like the one you’re referring to?
Christine, I’ve made this twice (second time tonight, with almond butter this time) and I think it’s still my favorite recipe of yours!
.-= Amber Shea (Almost Vegan)´s last blog ..Skinny bitchtastic brownies =-.
These sound great and I am willing to try them out! Here is a question though. I see lots of these desserts have chocolate and my husband cannot have anything with caffine in it! How can I omit the chocolate say for peanut butter and still have it taste good so that he has no idea he is eating so healthy. I am in a compitition with him to prove that healthy doesn’t mean tastless! Thanks for any info you can give!
i just made this and it is amazing! I only had 3 oz of chocolate on hand, so I used that instead of 4, and I just threw all of the stuff into a blender instead of mashing and mixing…it was so good I won’t share it with my kids!Thank you so much! 🙂
And now I must go pick more avocados off my tree! This sounds great and I have already heard 3 great comments from friends about it. Can’t wait… yum!!
[…] The other recipes – beyond guacamole – that I have tried with avocados from my tree at vegan chocolate avocado pudding from No Meat Athlete, which does not work well without the peanut butter, and is totally pudding and NOT mousse. AND an […]
Nice contribution to the site! I really look forward to the desserts!