The Best Posts and Podcasts in 10 Years of No Meat Athlete
It’s a weird feeling to turn the page on 10 years and begin the next decade, but it’s time — today is the last day of what’s been an emotional week of celebrating.
To wrap up the week, I’ve compiled a list of the very best blog posts and podcast episodes we’ve ever made — plus a look back (featuring some cringe-worthy screenshots) at the evolution of NMA and the running carrot.
Let’s start with the pictures…
In the days after I came up with the idea for No Meat Athlete, I asked my sister, Christine, to help me come up with a logo.
She started here:
And eventually, got here:
Then tweaked it a little:
And soon, the famous Microsoft Paint carrot was born:
Finally, a few months later, the carrot as we know him arrived:
And in 2015, we added a non-running carrot to the mix (part of the modern logo we use that was designed by Rainmaker Creative), with plans to eventually build the site around this new design:
But even though we started using the modern carrot on images and shirts, the running carrot stuck around on the website for a long time, disappearing from the header only recently.
As for the site? It started out on wordpress.com, like this:
(It didn’t occur to me to put images in blog posts until someone mentioned the idea in a comment on one of the early posts!)
After a few weeks, when I was convinced the idea had legs, I forked over $85 and moved to a self-hosted site:
(Which actually looked slightly better than it does here; archive.org isn’t pulling the header image files anymore.)
Then, my first custom header, done by my friend Ryan to my exacting standards. Those are my legs running. And those cow-spotted letters? I think I was aiming for ironic, but nine years later I see that I missed.
Check out this short-lived, sort-of-3D version of the running carrot though — I forgot all about that guy!
(This shot looks worse than it actually did; the formatting of the blog is messed up here when archive.org pulls it. That sprouts picture, though, I take the blame for that one.)
And in late 2010, I switched to a fully-custom design (done by Charfish) that would last for eight years:
For the past 3 years or so, the site has looked more or less like this:
Then finally, earlier this year, we launched the current site design (with a dedicated homepage), all of which was done by Rainmaker Creative, incorporating the logos, fonts, and brand colors that they came up for us a few years earlier.
The Best Posts of the First Decade of No Meat Athlete
There are nearly 1,000 published posts and pages on No Meat Athlete. While you could start at the beginning and read them all… please, spare yourself. There’s some gold in the early days (I actually really like the writing style back then, when I was less afraid of wordiness and bad jokes), but there’s a lot to sort through to find it.
But for best posts we’ve published in 10 years, I give you this new, updated list. The greatest hits of the first decade of No Meat Athlete, grouped by broad category.
- The Only Healthy Eating Guide You’ll Ever Need
- 10 Simple Guidelines for Eating Healthier than Ever
- Protein: A Simple Guide to Getting What You Need
- Protein for Vegans: A Fresh Approach to Getting Enough
- What Every Vegetarian Should Know about Iron
- Vitamin B12 and the Case for (and Against) a Plant-Based Diet
- Are You Getting the Nutrients You Need from Your Plant-Based Diet?
- 10 Foods Worth Eating Every Single Day
- Why I Finally Stopped Eating Oil
- What to Eat Before a Workout: 8 Easy Vegan Meals to Maximize Performance
- 12 Cheap, Healthy Meals that Taste Way Better than They Should
- Intermittent Fasting for the Vegan Athlete: Is it Right for You?
- The Only 4 Healthy Eating Rules You Ever Need to Follow
- The Most Important Food Lesson I’ve Learned in a Decade of No Meat Athlete
- The Picky Eater Solution: How to Turn Your Child into a Plant-Based Food Adventurer
- More than B12: The Ultimate Guide to Supplementing Your Plant-Based Diet
- Protein and the Vegan Athlete: All You Really Need to Know
Running & Fitness
- How to Get the Benefits of Barefoot Running Without Taking Off Your Shoes
- 7 Running Workouts to Build Strength and Endurance
- From Couch Potato to Ironman — In 20 Months
- How Should You Breathe When You Run?
- 63 Ways to Shake Up Your Running Routine
- The No Meat Athlete Guide to Buying Your Perfect Running Shoe
- Why This is Your Year to Run an Ultramarathon
- The Skinny Vegan’s Guide to Gaining Muscle
- The 15-Minute, Strength-Building Bodyweight Routine for Plant-Based Athletes
- Move Like a Ninja: The Beginner’s Guide to Developing Mobile Joints & Improving Performance
- 10 Essential Yoga Poses to Know Before Your First Class
- Yoga for Runners: The Ultimate Guide
Mindset, Motivation, & Goals
- How Most People Fail (Before They Even Start)
- How I’ve Begun Changing My Life, One Habit at a Time
- Why Everything They Told You About Goals Is Wrong
- 5 “Easy” Steps for Making Your Unrealistic Goal a Reality
- The Not-So-Secret Secrets to Succeeding at Anything
- On Turning Pro
- Plant-Based Recipes for Athletes
- The Perfect Smoothie Formula
- The Ultimate Energy Bar Formula
- The World’s Most Versatile Veggie Burger Recipe
- 45 Tasty, Healthy Vegan Snacks
- The 17 Weirdest Things I Do Now that I’m Vegan
- Why Vegans and Paleos Should Stop Hating Each Other
- 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Went Vegan
- The Most Laid-Back Guide to Going Vegetarian You’ll Ever Read
The Best No Meat Athlete Radio Episodes
- Robert Cheeke on Staying Motivated, Changing Course, and Embracing Imperfection
- Sid Garza-Hillman on Meal Planning, Ultrarunning, and Why We Shouldn’t Take Showers
- Dr. McDougall and the Healthiest Diet on the Planet
- Matt’s Dad on Going Plant-Based at age 63 Has Drastically Improved His Health
- Summer Running Camp, Part 1: Building Consistency
- Summer Running Camp, Part 2: Running Form
- Summer Running Camp, Part 3: How to Prevent Running Injuries
- The Best Resources for Running Motivation and Training
- Our Favorite Running Hacks
- The Guilt-Free Running Slump
- How to Go From Zero to 5K
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Protein, with Garth Davis, M.D.
- The Paleo vs Vegan Debate
- Staple Foods in the Vegan Athlete’s Pantry
- Nerd Fitness’ Steve Kamb on How to Level Up Your Life
- Leo Babauta on Habits, Simplicity, Running & Diet
- Vegan Pro Soccer Player Baggio Husidic
- 21 Weird Things We Do Now That We’re Vegan
- Weight Loss and Ideal Eating Habits with Ray Cronise
- Live to be 100 – Lessons from the Blue Zones
- Building Muscle and Losing Fat on a Vegan Diet with Marcella Torres and Derek Tresize
- Are We Improving Ourselves Too Much?
- Plant-Based Muscle with Robert Cheeke and Vanessa Espinoza
- Mindful Cooking, Flavors, and Keeping Food Simple with the Buddhist Chef
- Moderation: Sensible or Slippery Slope? with Pamela Fergusson, RD PhD
(We still put out a new episode every week; go to iTunes to subscribe.)
Hope you’ll click around a bit and find something from the first ten years that you hadn’t seen yet.
And with that, here’s to the next 10!
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Thank you for all the hard work you have put into No Meat Athlete. No Meat Athlete Radio was included in an article about health podcasts that I read last August. They recommended the Summer Running Camp episode so I started there. I liked the podcast so much I went to the very beginning and listened to every episode from August to December. Thanks to you I found the Mendocino 50k and completed the race in April as my first ultra. Thanks again from a big fan!
Now that I see the running carrot again, I miss „him“ (you sure it‘s a him? Could be a her). I hope the running carrot actually never goes completely away…
Thanks for the shout out in the No Meat Athlete Radio list of podcasts!
Great to go down memory lane too! ??