Vegan Ultraman Rich Roll on How to Avoid First-Marathon Mistakes
Yesterday, I talked to Rich Roll, the well-known vegan Ultraman competitor (that’s a double Ironman over the course of 3 days) who is also the author of Jai Seed, a fantastic cookbook I reviewed a few months ago.
Rich was very generous to sit down and record a 40-minute interview with me, aimed at helping out the first-time marathoner and/or new vegetarian.
The full interview, along with five others with some pretty amazing vegan and vegetarian endurance athletes including Brendan Brazier, will is included as part of the Marathon Roadmap: The Vegetarian Guide to Conquering Your First 26.2.
Here’s a sample of our interview, where Rich talks about his first marathon, which sounds a lot like mine (i.e., lots of walking after Mile 18!). He also talks a bit about the importance of following a program or working with a coach, and at length about training in the crucial zone that teaches your body to burn fat instead of sugar and go (in Rich’s case) for days.
Enjoy the interview!
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Can’t wait for it! This totally makes him more relatable. =)
Knowing how long it took him to build up his aerobic endurance is actually super-helpful. Now I won’t feel like a genetically-thwarted loser when I’m still jogging along at 2mph three weeks into the program! Thanks for this clip.
Love the interview element to the site! It’s such a great way to “meet” athletes. I’m LOL about grim experience…yeah, been there. My second marathon (pre-vegan days) I went gluten and dairy-free two weeks before the race…and bonked at mile 15-ish. It was a long eleven miles before the finish line.
I agree that education (and some coaching) really does help make the race experience more enjoyable (and successful)
I’m really excited for this launch, Matt!
I know a lot of people who have taken on coaches recently. And a lot of coaches who are starting to get a lot of coaching requests. I’ll be interested to hear more about his experience with the transition beyond what’s in the clip.