Details About the No Meat Athlete Book Tour!
Call me excited. I’m happy to finally announce, officially, that throughout the month of October and a good bit of November of this year, I’ll be doing a nationwide tour around the release of my book, No Meat Athlete: Run on Plants & Discover Your Fittest, Fastest, Happiest Self (which is now available for pre-order at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and other great booksellers).
I’m calling it a book tour … you know, so that I sound like an actual grown-up. But let’s be serious.
What this really is, is an excuse to do something I’ve dreamed of forever: traveling across the country to run amok in 30(ish) cities, all along the way meeting, talking to, running with, racing with, eating with, cooking with, or perhaps grabbing a coffee or a beer with like-minded folks and No Meat Athlete readers.
Which, I’m hoping, will include you.
I don’t have a ton of details beyond these yet, but that’s where you come in.
I’m looking for venues to host tour events — certainly we’ll do some at traditional bookstores like Barnes and Noble or independents, but what I think will make this way more fun is if many of the events aren’t at bookstores. Like all the stuff I mentioned above … stuff that’s outside, stuff that requires moving, stuff that involves scrumptious plant-based food and drinks.
Want to Suggest a Tour Stop?
If you think your city would be a great place for a tour stop, and especially if you’ve got a venue in mind, I’d love to hear from you. I’ve set up a form you can fill out to suggest a stop, or even better, to volunteer to host one (say, if you own or work for a co-op, running store, bookstore, etc.).
And to make this all even more fun, I’m going to involve as many friends as I can. In the four years I’ve been at this NMA gig, I’ve made some pretty amazing friends in the blogosphere and plant-based fitness community, many of whom you know because I’ve often linked to their sites (or maybe you found me through a link on theirs), and I hope that some of the events will be joint ones with them.
The more the merrier, I say, and I think this tour will be pretty darn special with your and their help.
So please, check out the form, let me know about your city or venue, or pass along this post to someone you know who runs a place that you think would be just perfect.
And by the way, here’s the initial set of cities I’m looking at. This list is by no means final, and other places are definitely possibilities, but just to give you an idea of the general route I’ll be traveling:
- New York, NY (Start)
- Boston, MA
- Philadelphia, PA
- Washington, DC
- Columbus, OH
- Cincinnati, OH
- Chicago, IL
- Minneapolis, MN
- Denver, CO
- Boulder, CO
- Salt Lake City, UT
- Boise, ID
- Seattle, WA
- Portland, OR
- Eugene, OR
- Sacramento, CA
- San Francisco, CA
- San Jose, CA
- Los Angeles, CA
- San Diego, CA
- Phoenix, AZ
- Tucson, AZ
- San Antonio, TX
- Austin, TX
- Houston, TX
- Dallas, TX
- Memphis, TN
- Nashville, TN
- Atlanta, GA
- Charlotte, NC
- Raleigh, NC
- Asheville, NC (End)
I can’t wait for this thing to happen. Hope to see you along the way.
(Thanks to Chris Guillebeau at the Art of Noncomformity, who inspired me, in a Good Life Project interview I listened to on a run one day, to do something like this. And from whom I stole the “suggest an event” form, nearly word-for-word.)
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Hello what day and where in NYC will you be???
Very excited that you’ll be hitting Phoenix! I’m just transitioning into a “no-meat” lifestyle while training, so this is timely for me. May I suggest a couple of local running stores that I know of? Cadence Running in Gilbert, AZ and Sole Sports in Tempe or Scottsdale? There are also a bunch of great places like 24 Carrots, Pomegranate Cafe, True Food Kitchen, and many more restaurants and cafes. We also have tons of Farmer’s Markets that could be cool (weekday and weekend). Hope those are helpful starting points for you! Good luck!
Nice – you’re coming to Charlotte! Do you have any details yet (venue, date, time)?
WoooHoo, Cincy, Ohio!
Cincy looks like the best fit and worth the drive. Louisville or Indy would also be great. Wish I knew someone to host.
SO happy you are considering Minneapolis! I can’t wait to read the book!
Excited for your SLC visit!!! Will you have merchandise for purchase??
That’s awesome! I hope you’re in Boston on a weekend so I can make it up there! Congrats!
I can’t wait to meet you when you come to Houston!
So glad to see Portland on the list!
You are an inspiration to us all – you’re welcome to come to our city where we have a great park you can hold the event in with a fantastic tourist attraction. Thing is – it’s in the UK, Windsor to be exact. But, hey if you wanna come – we’ll put you up and help organise it. 🙂
Yes, when can we expect details of your European tour? 🙂 We would *love* to host you! Can’t wait to get the book ~Louisa @ Raven Books, Blackrock, Dublin, Ireland
Albuquerque, NM, or El Paso, TX? (Albuquerque has a Fleet Feet store; El Paso has Up and Running)
Can wait to read your book… See you in Washington D.C 🙂
Charlotte is excited to have you!!!
Kansas City!!
Don’t skip Cleveland, Ohio! We’re WAY cooler than you might think – we have a thriving local food scene, amazing restaurants, and from there it’s a REALLY easy trip to Chicago on I-90!
So this isn’t exactly a venue, but you should totally hook up with The Cinnamon Snail when in NYC. They are a vegan food truck that has won TONS of awards, and they always have lines around the block of both carnivores and vegans alike! They have a serious cult following in NYC, and it would be super cool if you guys coordinated something while in NYC!
How exciting! When will you know dates so we can look forward to marking our calendars? Can’t wait for your Chicago visit! 🙂
DC! Woo hoo! Just pre-ordered the book – so excited! Also is there any way of getting a peek at the back cover? I was notified my picture would be used and if it made through the editing process. Congrats!!! 🙂
Sure wish you were coming to Iowa…anywhere in Iowa. Des Moines specifically…
Yes, so excited to see you in Houston!!
Can’t wait to see you in San Francisco! As for venues, I would suggest Sports Basement (they have two locations, but the Presidio one is best for a beautiful run by the Golden Gate) or Fleet Feet Sports in the Marina (they hosted Scott Jurek’s book signing and fun run).
So I think Indianapolis would be a perfect stop between Cincy and Chicago. There is an awesome downtown farmers market at the City Market on Wednesdays. It’d be a perfectly weird place to maybe do some talking, cooking of local produce (they have an awesome demo kitchen) and it is literally in the middle of our new cultural arts trail. Lots happening in this area.
Can’t wait for your Houston stopover! I think you’ll find some great people and places that are ready to just eat up your information. Bring extra books!
In between Raleigh & Asheville are Greensboro & Winston-Salem. Why not stop at 1 or both?
Woo Hoo! Atlanta, GA. Can’t wait to know where.
Where and when! Atlanta’s waiting!
Hi Matt!
I would love to see you if you make it to San Antonio! I would suggest the Rock N Roll San Antonio Marathon expo in November. If you need other ideas, please let me know. I would love to help you here in SA!
Why not a stop in Hawaii? 🙂 Too bad I’m not affiliated with any venues!
Thrilled to hear you are coming through Memphis, let me know if your plans aren’t baked for Memphis yet, would love to help organize the visit with the local running stores/clubs. Hard to believe but we have a very passionate running population here!
Looking forward to it.
Add me to the people thrilled with the idea of a Memphis visit! If anyone needs an extra pair of hands to help in Memphus, let me know!
Thanks Carolyn! I’m excited about Memphis!
So glad you’re coming to Portland! I’ve learned so much from your site and am looking forward to the book.
When Scott Jurek was here for his book tour, he did a meet and greet at FitRightNW (local, friendly, helpful, community-oriented) and then led a group run to Powell’s Books (massive, local store with big area for author talks) where he talked about his book. It was lots of fun and I could see you doing something similar.
I’m bummed you aren’t stopping in the Kansas City area. You could do your signing at Mud Pie (a vegan bakery and coffee house.)
Yes! That would be great. Or the community space at Eden Alley in Unity Temple. Also a vegan restaurant.
Matt, that’s fantastic! Congratulations. I don’t live in the USA so I won’t be seenig you, but looking forward to picking up your book. Hope the tour goes awesome!
I am so unbelievably happy for you! And also thrilled that Boston is on the tentative list! Cannot help with a venue, but I’ll definitely be pre-ordering the book and attending whatever event occurs in this fine city I call home 🙂 You’ve been a huge inspiration to me over the past couple of years. Was always a vegetarian, but the running only really kicked in relatively recently, and a lot of that is due to you Matt. Two marathons under my belt, and my first ultra is on deck in about a week. Thank you for the inspiration and the positive impact you’re having on so many people 😀
Excited & looking forward to seeing you in Raleigh, NC!!
Nice! I am vegan (for 15 years now), healthy, and I am trying to be more active. By the way, it would be nice if your posts had dates on them.
Sent a note to the Vegetarian Society of WA about your trip through Seattle. Hopefully they can hook you up! You HAVE to hit the Wayward Vegan while your in Seattle if you haven’t already. Even if you have. And Chaco Canyon! And… ooh, so many yummy eats nearby. Can’t wait to see you in the local area!
There is a Chaco Canyon in West Seattle in addition to the one in University District. They do book signings there as well as having great vegan food. I’m sure West Seattle Runner (which is nearby) would be into organizing or at least advertising for a group run around West Seattle. Great idea on contacting the Vegetarian Society!
Just an idea- the Davis Farmer’s Market is pretty fantastic and might make a great stop for your tour. Davis is a small, cute town with a big university – UC Davis, 30mins from Sacramento. Their farmer’s market has some of the best produce in the Central Valley! Saturdays at 8AM, Wednesdays at 4pm
come to Baltimore/Columbia Md. area and we’ll talk some ultra talk!
In Seattle, Cafe Flora is where it’s at from a veggie food perspective — at least in my humble opinion. But, there is also a great Road Runner Sports not far from Greenlake, which offers the opportunity to go for a ~3 mile run with people around the lake while you’re at it!
Eeks! You’re coming to Memphis?! I’ll definitely be wherever you end up! This is great news. Congrats to you on all your successes 🙂
Can’t wait to meet you! You are a true life changer and inspiration to many. Chicago and especially NAPERVILLE (suburb) is thrilled you are making a stop in our gorgeous, active, and health minded city.
I can’t believe it! You forgot to even include Alaska on your map! Just to refresh everyone’s memory: Alaska IS part of the United States and no, we don’t all look (or act) like Sarah Palin.
But seriously, head up here to Anchorage and we’ll put you up and take you out on trail runs so incredible and beautiful you won’t ever forget to include Alaska on your map.
Cheers, congrats and happy running,
Well done, great idea on a tour Matt. Hey ive even ordered your shirt from australia and will wear it in my marathon in 2wks 🙂 hows that for spreading the message :P. Love the site and Im a passionate vegan who loves running AND weights 🙂 Cheers,
I actually got your whole Marathon roadmap kit + a black and white singlet hoping itll arrive next week, cant wait to wear it while im benching much to the shock of my meat eating buddies at the gym hahaha :). Cheers,
The other Portland………….Maine!!
YES! Cincinnati is only a few hours away and it would definitely be worth the drive to support you. I live in Louisville, KY and I am not sure about the community of athletes who are plant based, but it’s hard to always be explaining my food choices and lifestyle. I like be around people where I don’t have to do that 🙂 Thank you for doing this.
I’m so Happy for you! And I would like to tanke you, because your blog saved and changed my life. I just had a baby a year ago, I was depressed and I had a lot of problems. Now I’m vegan, I Workout every day, I’m Happy and comfortable un my skin. So, thank you so much! And good luck for the future!
Woohoo, can’t wait until the Colorado stop! Let us know if you need a place to stay! I’ll look out for outdoor events. I can pretty much tell you though, there’s always outdoor stuff going on here!
Philadelphia is a big city with multiple running clubs. I suggest you contact the Fishtown beer runners http://fishtownbeerrunners.com/ or the West Philly Runners http://www.westphillyrunners.com/. They do weekly runs on a weeknight that also have a social component. It seems like a perfect fit.
Awesome! You HAVE to stop at Powell’s in Portland, biggest bookstore in the country!
western MA
please. and thank you.
Couldn’t you stop over in Canada too ? It’s not that far up North and we have influential athletes who are vegans who would certainly endorse your book. Look up Georges Laraque.
Yay for Portland and Eugene! I live in Eugene, but if you can only hit Portland, I’ll go there!
Would absolutely LOVE to host you in Fort Wayne, IN. We have a wonderful running club that meets on Wed evenings…some of the most fabulous people! At one point, we were deemed the most obese city in the US:( needless to say, we need people like you to come to our town!
Annie Bloom’s books in Portland is another geat spot for a book tour. They have hosted Chloe Coscarelli a few times.
Looks like you’ll be coming through Greenville, SC on your way to Atlanta. We’d love it if you made a stop here! I’m sure there would be a lot of interest, and it’s a pretty cool city to visit.
Karen D.
Awesome! Wish you were coming to FL!
Don’t forget about Florida! 🙁
You will be very warmly greeted in Boulder! We saw Brendan Brazier when he visited last year and he packed the house. The Tattered Cover in Denver is also a great venue for a signing.
You may want to connect with http://healthyyounetwork.org/ for the Tucson stop. They have sponsored Rick Roll, Dr Greger and Robert Cheeke among others. Scott Jurek also stopped at http://www.summithut.com/ which is a local outdoor store.
On your way to L.A. you should do a tour at our Barnes & Noble in San Luis Obispo! Voted Happiest, Healthiest place to live. We live the SLO life on the Run!!! Hope to see you here on book tour!! Life doesn’t get any better but on the Central Coast…just say’n!!
Just ordered my copy from bookdepository.com – looking forward to receiving it!
Any shots of the rear cover available?
Bull City Running in Durham.
Just pre-ordered…how about a UK date….we have a lovely running club and a few special running shops here in Bristol, UK…..! Just reading your Marathon Roadmap which is really quite brilliant!
Woo hoo, Denver! Check out the Tattered Cover book store in downtown Denver. They often host authors at the store for book signings/get togethers. REI has a flagship store nearby and they have a big meeting room where they host events.
Also not officially stopping in Pittsburgh, if only just resting here please let me know. I promise to take you on the coolest off the beaten path running tour of the city, which will take you from the rivers to the mountains and woods all within one hour.
Road trip!
Hey Larry,
Pittsburgh is a possibility! I’m finalize tour details now, and I’ll be coming through; the only question is whether I’ll have a night to spare there or need to drive right through. I hope it will work out though; I’ve been to Pittsburgh once but only for a very short time. Seemed to have a vibe that I like.
Hey Matt – I hope Cincinnati stays on your book tour list. I filled out the online form about places to go/tour, but feel free to message me and we can talk in more detail. I would love to help you in Cincinnati with places to go, things to see. I have been reading your blog for just over a year and love it, but I don’t every post comments. I guess this is my first time blogging : ) Now I have been listening to your podcast and getting introduced to Rich Roll, Matt Ruscigno and Brendan Brazier…and now listening to Rich Roll’s podcast. I have ran two marathon’s and two half marathon, now I’m itching to do an Ironman, just download your triathlon road map. Thanks for the inspiration.
I’m so excited you’re coming through Austin! Running-store wise, we have Texas Running Company, Luke’s Locker, and Hill Country Running, all on the Hike and Bike Trail. There’s also Book People, who hosted Scott Jurek’s book reading. Then of course we have plenty of vegan restaurants that would potentially be able to host, though much smaller numbers.
Hey Matt, great hearing you on the Rich Roll podcast. I listen to yours too, but love hearing both /at the same time!/
Would love to see you in Raleigh/Durham, and have a couple of suggestions. The Fiction Kitchen is an amazing vegan restaurant/bar in downtown Raleigh. If you wanted to swing through Durham or Chapel Hill instead, Triangle Raw Foods is a great raw vegan food truck that I bet would be interested in stopping by. I’d recommend trying to get them to come to Fullsteam Brewery if you wanted to go that route, since they do a huge run club on Wednesdays @ 6, and have food trucks every day already.
When will you be in Sacramento, CA? And at what location?
I came across your blog while researching Asheville, NC, because that is where my boyfriend and I want to move to next year. I would love any advice you can give 🙂
This is awesome Matt! Can’t wait to read the book. Wish I was in the US for a stop on the tour.